Chinese Acupuncture Clinic

Call Today 719-634-1669

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine function to promote the body's natural ability to heal itself.

Testimonials for Eczema



I have suffered with eczema off and on for the last 5 years. I've tried acupuncture, chinese herbs, hypnotherapy, naturopathic medicine, western medicine, special diets/supplements, meditation, therapy, energy work and not one of these treatments comes even close to the results I received after seeing Dr. Jena. I had the worst eczema break out I've ever had and after seeing her it was 80% better in 24 hours and 95% better in 48 hours. If you have eczema or any other skin affliction I cannot recommend her highly enough. She knows how to cure this disorder. Her prices are very reasonable. She is very warm and kind as well.

Eczema and General Wellbeing

Sandy K.

External treatments such as acupuncture was the last resort for me because I did not want to depend on steroids and immunosuppressant drugs anymore. Western medicine has failed me for 10 years or so, never eradicate my eczema. ended up depending on stronger steroids every time. even external Steroids thin my skin, make me put on weight, pimples, make my blood pressure increase, increase my cortisol (hormone produced by adrenal gland) level. I ended up taking a beta blocker to regulate my blood pressure. My friend recommended me to try acupuncture by her beloved Acupuncturist Dr.Zhai.

Acupuncture turned my life around. It really helps. To start with I had it twice every week, then monthly, then six weekly and now only occasionally, but it helped so much it's untrue. It didn't just boost my skin, but made me feel much better in myself too - more calm, better digestion, better sleep, normal blood pressure without beta blocker, lost weight etc.

So I encourage everyone try Acupuncture!

Eczem Flare-ups

Emily B. In Hugo

Acupuncture every week helped my severe eczema flare-up enormously as its very relaxing and helped me re- establish my sleep pattern. All my flare-ups are related to stress. I do have to give Chinese herbal medicine a lot of credit for curing my eczema.I live 2 hours away from Chinse Acupuncture Clinic. To reduce the number of Acupuncture visits needed for my flare-ups, the doctor gave me Chinese Herbs to take every day to enhence the Acupuncture effect so my eczema flare-ups are still well controled without having 2 or more Acupuncture visits per week.

Eczem, Asthma and other conditions

Donna CO USA

I have used Acupuncture for both asthma and eczema at the same time and it has worked like a charm. The doctor said that it all deals with kidney energy. Eczema and asthma tend to go together so it would make sense that they could be treated together. I'm not sure why not! Dr.Jena treats all kinds of things at once. I was treated every week, then bi-weekly then once a month, every other and now whenever I need something. I used acupuncture for asthma, eczema, menopause/hot flashes, night sweats, low energy, poor digestion. It worked amazing to block endless pain that I had in my back and neck. I use to see a chiropractor on a regular basis but this changed my life like I never believed it could.

As for a good practitioner if you don't see results, move on to the next but acupuncture can't hurt you like chiropractic can. I can't recommend it enough!!

Little Boy with Eczem

Judi in Colorado

I found Dr. Jena by accident wile googling. my 2 year old son has been seeing sooooo many dermatologist and specialist for his eczema, nothing was helping. both my husband and I had to take turn to sleep to watch my son to avoid him scratches himself for more than a month. with 95% of rash cover with his little body, the unbearable itchiness has made my son scratched his forehead has a couple open skin. the wound has not been healed for about 7 months. as a mother, watch my son suffer from such bad eczema really painful.

I called at 11pm at night just to check the office hour of the clinic, surprisingly Dr. Jena pick up the phone, and help me to schedule a next day appointment. after seeing Dr. Jena, my son receive his first acupuncture, with some herbal cream applied. I notices he did not scratch as often within the next 3 hours. we kept using the cream and gave him the herbal tea for 3 days. the rash completely GONE. that is amazing. none of the steroid cream prescribe from his dermatology can make that magical change. I am just happy with the result. Just one visit, and I see the result already. usually Chinese herbal treatment take a while to see the result, Dr. Jena is really my life saver. I called her a few time to check on my son's condition, she always makes herself available answering my question and giving suggestion how to ease my son's itchiness. highly recommended.

Sandy K.

Chronic Eczema in Multi-parts of Body

Kelly M. in Colorado Springs

my friends and family used to think I was weird going for acupuncture as they know what a wimp I am! But I never actually 'felt' the needles - just the odd 'pulling' sensation every now and then. I was having acupuncture for about 2 months - an hours' session twice a week. The eczema started to disappear after 8 or 9 sessions, then reduced to one session per week for another 2months. Thereafter, I maintained one session every 3-4 weeks. The eczema clear up on my face, back, hands and legs and has never come back. It was very expensive for me. I liked the feeling of relaxation as I was in a very stressful job at the time, but I had to give it up last year as I couldn't afford it anymore.

*Individual results may vary.

For more information, please call the Chinese Acupuncture Clinic at 719-634-1669 to schedule an appointment .